PE Clothes

This letter is to inform you of the requirements for the Physical Education uniform. All 7th and 8th grade students must have a Physical Education uniform as required by district policy. Suiting up for P.E. daily contributes to the student's overall physical education academic grade. The uniform consists of a gray shirt, navy blue or gray shorts, athletic shoes and gray sweat suits for cold days. All clothing should be marked with the student's name.

Uniform and locks are sold in the financial office located in the front office before and after school.  Students must purchase a school combination lock from the financial office only if they wish to safely store items in their locker. You have the option of obtaining your student's PE uniform elsewhere.



The PE Department will expect students to have their uniforms by the last week of September. Uniforms are to be taken home every Friday to be washed. Please do not take uniforms home during the week. Students may forget them the next day. Sharing of lockers or combinations may result in stolen items and hence are not allowed. The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. If you choose not to purchase a lock, your child must take their PE clothes home daily.

If your child has a medical condition that restricts their participation, please alert the coach and school nurse so accommodations can be made. If your child comes to school sick or injured you will need to send a note. A parent's note will excuse a student for up to 2 days from P.E. Any illness or injury lasting longer requires a note from your doctor. All medical notes excusing students from P.E. must be registered with the school nurse at the start of the school day.

We appreciate your cooperation in helping your student succeed in Wilson's P.E. Program this year.

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