The school nurse is at Wilson to helpstudents be safe and healthy so they can learn better. Part of being safe is not having medicationson campus that are not absolutely necessary. Even prescription medicines given by the doctor are drugs, and they mustbe managed by going through the school nurse.
Our school district policy is that STUDENTS CANNOT BRING MEDICINE TO SCHOOL without paperwork from a doctor or medical provider that the medicine has to be taken at school. Students cannot bring Tylenol, inhalers, and cold medicine in their bag or pocket. Medicine that is short term (antibiotics for an infection, Motrin for cramps) can betaken at home before and after school.
If you gave written permission on your child's health card, the nurse can give some over-the-counter medicines two times a month. If your child has asthma,even just with a cold, they should have paperwork and an inhaler in the Health Office at school.
Please call Nurse Joyce for any questions about medicine you think your child may need at school. She is in the Health Office during every school day.