Health Office


If your child does not have a regular dentist, they can see the dentist without missing school!

The Big Smiles Dentist will come to Wilson in October and April this year. Consent forms were sent home with your student. They need to be returned by September 30th for the October visit. You can also enroll online at:

About one in ten children have dental pain, which makes it harder for them to focus on learning. Children should go to the dentist twice each year and brush their teeth twice each day to keep their teeth and gums healthy.

Health Services

The Health Office is available to students during school hours each day. Students who feel ill may go to the Health Office WITH A PASS. The staff member on duty will determine the appropriate course of action. The nurse works closely with parents, students, and school staff to provide a safe and healthy school environment which promotes student attendance and learning. Parents and guardians are welcome to call or visit the nurse in the health office to discuss their child's healthcare needs.

Students are not allowed to carry medications on their own during the school day. If medications are required at school (daily or short term), a "Physician's Recommendation for Medication" form is required. This form must be renewed yearly. All medications must be in an original pill container with current prescription label.

Over-The-Counter Medications
Certain over-the-counter medications are available to students who have a "Health Information Exchange Consent Form" completely filled out and on file in the health office. Staff must also reach the parents before administrating medication to student. This service is NOT available on days the nurse is not on campus. Administrating over-the-counter medication is limited to twice per year per symptom.

Asthma & the use of Inhalers at School
Asthma can be a serious, life-threatening disease. Students who use inhalers as prescribed by their physicians should have an "Asthma Action Plan" and inhaler brought to school to be kept in the Health Office. It is acceptable for older students to carry and self-administer their inhalers; however, ONLY with the written permission of both the physician and parent/guardian.

PE Excuses
If a student needs to be excused from PE for medical reasons, a parent's note will excuse for up to 3 days. A physician's note is required for longer excuses. 

Joyce Peterson, RN
School Nurse
Wilson Middle School
3838 Orange Avenue
San Diego, CA 92105
P: 619-362-3400 ext. 3050
F: 619-362-3474

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